4560 North Victoria Street, Shoreview, MN 55126 friends@rclfriends.org 651-724-6127


Breakfast with Friends April 12

Registration is now open! Join us the morning of Saturday, April 12 for the Breakfast with Friends fundraiser featuring award-winning Native American author Mona Susan Power. This event will be held at Manitou Event Center in White Bear Lake. To inquire about sponsoring this event, contact Melissa Nykanen at mnykanen@rclfriends.org or 651-724-6127. Learn more & register.

April 24-27 Book Sale at RCL-Roseville

Mark your calendars for our annual spring Used Book Sale fundraiser taking place April 24-27, 2025 at the Roseville library, 2180 Hamline Avenue North. Shop a huge selection of paperback books, hardcover books, audio books, CDs, DVDs, and more! Proceeds from our book sales help support all seven Ramsey County Library locations. Learn more.

Thank You to Nicole Lindstrom

Nicole Lindstrom helped us as a volunteer with the Roseville Used Bookstore, selling books online and allowing us to increase our income. When Nicole’s parents, Anne and Reed Bement, passed away recently, she decided to honor their memory with a gift to the Roseville bookstore for a refurbishment of the space. Her generous gift is allowing the bookstore to purchase updated display kiosks and carts and install much needed shelving and display space. We are partially through the upgrades to the space and look forward to finishing them in 2025. Full article.

New Used Book Cart in New Brighton

Introducing our new Used Book Cart location at RCL-New Brighton! Find gently used books stationed just outside of the library entrance inside the New Brighton Community Center. Library staff will be regularly stocking the cart with hardcover books for $2 and paperbacks for $1 apiece. Book inventory is a combination of weeded books from the library and donations from the public. Learn about all six of our Used Bookstore & Cart locations where you can shop sustainably. Proceeds support Ramsey County Library.

Seeking Board Members

We’re looking to expand our Board of Directors with champions of Ramsey County Library. If you have a passion for libraries and have time and skills to share with our growing nonprofit organization, the Ramsey County Library Friends Board might be the place for you! Learn more & apply.

We also have additional volunteer opportunities available including working at the Maplewood used bookstore, joining the Development Committee or Membership Committee, and helping with book sales. Email friends@rclfriends.org for more information.

Friends Bookstores in our Communities

The Ramsey County Library Friends operate year-round, used bookstores at the Maplewood, Shoreview, and Roseville libraries and used book carts at the White Bear Lake and Mounds View libraries. They are accessible for honor-pay purchases anytime the libraries are open. Many library patrons are often surprised when they learn about the stores and carts and the many ways they benefit our communities and help fulfill our mission to promote literacy. Read full article.

Love Your Library

What do you love about your Library and the Friends? We love hearing from Friends Members, patrons, staff, and volunteers. The April contest has passed but the online form will stay open for feedback if you wish to submit a quote or story to potentially be featured on social media. Learn more and fill out the form. Read stories and quotes published from submissions.

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