4560 North Victoria Street, Shoreview, MN 55126 friends@rclfriends.org 651-724-6127

Thank You to Nicole Lindstrom

Nicole Lindstrom (L) being honored at a ceremony by RCLF Director (R)

One interesting element of the Friends’ book sales program is that the Roseville Used Bookstore often has a partnership with a local online bookseller. Nicole Lindstrom was one such bookseller. For a time, Nicole helped us sell books online for more than they would sell in the store and then shared a percentage of the profits with us, allowing us to increase our income.

When Nicole’s parents, Anne and Reed Bement, passed away recently, she decided to honor their memory with a gift to the Roseville bookstore for a refurbishment of the space. Her generous gift is allowing the bookstore to purchase updated display kiosks and carts and install much needed shelving and display space. We are partially through the upgrades to the space and look forward to finishing them in 2025.

Nicole has first-hand knowledge of what a valuable service the Ramsey County Library Friends’ used bookstores provide to the community. In addition to generating proceeds that go back into supporting the Library, the bookstores provide low-cost books to our community members, and help the Library manage their weeded materials. It’s a win-win-win.

Nicole told us that her goal with this gift is that a refurbishment of the bookstore space would help the bookstore sell even more materials. And we think it will. The upgrades will result in a more effective use of space, and will make a difference both for our volunteers and for our customers.

Nicole, we are so grateful to you for this gift! It is so generous and kind, and it will have a long impact on the Friends and Ramsey County Library.

Nicole Lindstrom being celebrated with family & Commissioner Mary Jo McGuire